ANCS Acupressure Finger Roll Massager
ANCS Acupressure Finger Roll Massager The Finger care Massager is made of plastic and the front finger point is made of soft rubber. By massaging it, there is internal pressure of the fingers, through this, finger massage for various points of Sujok medical treatment provides instant relief in pain in hands and feet. With its massage, all the points are activated automatically. Sujok Onnuri, its use for Auricular Therapy Sujok Acupuncture/Acupressure is a physical and spiritual, natural therapy without medication. Sujok therapy is quick and effective therapy without medication. Sujok therapy is absolutely safe for humans and has no side effects. This massager has been designed in such a way that each person can give therapy to himself and his family members, you can see the code 1606 chart in the search bar to get the information about the healing points quickly and immediately. With one chart, you can do a lot of healing.